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Sunday, March 15, 2009


It is sad what is happening to our country. I just read that today is the day that AIG is paying their top execs over $112,000 each as a bonus!! Considering the trouble that our country is already in, is this fair? And to think of all the taxpayer money that has been used to revive this company really leaves a sour taste in one's mouth. There is truly no shame in their games that they are playing.

Think about all of the unemployed and laid off people, people losing their homes, the homeless and poor, the list just goes on. There is definitely some wrong with this picture if the U.S. is to be a superpower. Are we really ? Our education system is falling apart and we rank near the bottom of the top twenty nations in science and math. This is just another embarassment for our nation. What is the rest of the world thinking of us now?

This is $165 million dollar in bonuses that they are paying out of the $170 billion dollars that AIG received from the government. What is going on people? Someone explained this to me. It just does not make any sense, especially after AIG lost over $61.7 billion dollars!! And guess what, this calamity of events all happened during the Bush Administration. He should be ashamed of himself. No, he is comfortably living in Texas as a multimillionaire !!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Controversial Issues

I cannot believe McCain said, "let the banks fail". What kind of person is he? Doesn't he realize that if this did happen, our country, the USA, would crumble down like a deck of cards or a stack of dominoes. Sure, the banks really made a serious mistake when so much money was lent out to unqualified borrowers, but on the other hand, people like Madoff stole from our government under the cloak of a white collar crime and you know what, he will probably get away. This is the sad part.

But McCain, who is already a multimillionaire will not feel the effects of a staggering economy. He and his wife Cindy are exceptionally wealthy so in actuality, he will not feel the effects such as the hard working, blue collar workers, and other people in our nation who are living from paycheck to paycheck. McCain cannot even identify with these people and never will. As for me, I am lo0king for the long term effects on our nation. Obama had to do something and as far as I am concerned, no one had a better idea. He had to do something.

I am retired military and I was even planning on voting for McClain but now I definitely have reservations and am content that I did vote for Obama. I really wanted McClain to win, ex-military, long time politician, served our country with honor, and many other accolades that he deserves. However, I think his comment was inappropriate and really, he is no better than that lunatic, Russ Limbaugh!!